Saturday, May 26, 2007

Here is a Portion of the Apocrypha Debate...

This is a really cool exchange about the apocrypha...


Scott Murray said...

Dude...I'm excited for the ministry to get going! Good job on the blog...and your hair is awesome!!!!!!

You know I am a ninja right?

Candi said...

Hey I found you!Add me to your blog!

Timothy said...

The video comment that Trent left the question unanswered seems to also be the path taken by both Luther and the translators of the 1611 King James Bible. Both Luther's translation and the original KJV include the Deuterocanonicals.

Interestingly enough, I found a reprint of the 1611 KJV at my local Lifeway. The original 1611 KJV includes the Liturgy of the Hours in its forward. The Liturgy includes several selections from the deuterocanonicals. [The Liturgical calendar in the 1611 KJV also included Marian feast days, such as the Immaculate Conception of Mary on December 8. Who knew?]

The video mentions 3 & 4 Maccabees. A Jewish friend of mine is interested in the Christian canon and I gave him a chart showing which books are included in which Church's canon. 3 Maccabees is included in the Greek and Syrian canons.

BTW, the word "canon" means suitable for reading aloud to those assembled.

God bless...